Stepper Slot Machine Arduino

Are ”Stepper” Slots Still Popular? The motors, the Plexiglas and the reel strips break down. As such it’s not easy to find spare parts for these machines while the newer games are easier to maintain and integrated into a continuously evolving casino floor. Arduino Stepper Motor Position Control Circuit Diagram and Explanation: The circuit Diagram for the arduino stepper motor control project is shown above. We have used the 28BYJ-48 Stepper motor and the ULN2003 Driver module. To energise the four coils of the stepper motor we are using the digital pins 8,9,10 and 11.

  1. Arduino Stepper Motor

My very first proof-of-concept for the claw machine ran on servos. The current claw machine uses stepper motors and for the longest time Iwanted to use these leftover servo motors in a project. A vending machine seemed like a good idea to match the mini arcades...


Honestly I was just messing around with this project and later carried away with the idea.

I read on the site how adding the 'duino' suffex to things translates poorly in Italian.. but VenDuino just sounded good. Sorry in advance.

If you wish to copy the build shown in my video, you will need some things aside from a microcontroller. Here's a list of eveything else you may need.

Arduino Stepper Motor

Body11Laser cut wood Body
Electronics24Parallax Servo Motor, Continuous Rotation
31LED 5mm
41DC-DC Stepdown Converter

16mm Momentary push button

OR 1 rotary encoder

61Nokia 5110 LCD
7174HC4050N Logic Level converter
9112V 2A DC Power Supply (5.1 x2.2 mm barrel)
1015.1 x2.2 mm DC panel mount jack
113misc wire, 1ft 22-24 AWG
12112mm Power switch
131F/F Dupont Jumper Wires, 30cm, 0.10' pitch
141Male extra Long PCB headers, 0.10' pitch
15112V LED strip, 30cm