- Graveyard Slot Machine Yugioh Duel
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You create Invisible Deck with only 3 cards what show up at Graveyard Slots. After that, duel against Deck Master K (use only one memory card) You can duel with himself, wait until opponent have 0. Slot Machine card information and card art. Slot Machine Card Type: Normal Monster.
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Immortal Monsters
Aside from the normal monsters that have lessthan 1500 ATK and can survive in the Crushterritory, there are Immortal Type monsters thatcan both enter the area, regardless of AttackPower, and gain a field power bonus of +500points. When these monsters are destroyed inbattle, they turn the surrounding spaces intoCrush territory, literally leaving their mark.
Starter Decks
Depending on the name used at the start of thegame, you will get a different type of starterdeck. Try names such as Konami, Rod, or Puzzle.Enter the names Kaiba or Scale and choose themonster with highest number (on the left) to geta Kaiser Dragon (2300/2000).Look on the back of PlayStation2 game cases.Look carefully to find sponsor names. Use thosenames as your name to get different cards. Notall names will work. Also, use the names ofconsoles such as Nintendo. Leave out the numbers.When starting the game, enter Katsuya as a nameand choose Fairy King Truesdale as your deckleader. Your deck will be packed with insect andplant monsters such as two Hercules Beetles, aKwagar Hercules, a Needle Worm, and a GreatMammoth Of Goldfine. Side with the Lancastrians(Red Rose) and duel Weevil at Chester. There isa good chance that you will win.Enter Flame as a name. This should show one ofthe starter decks with the deck leader RoboticKnight. Select this deck. This decks is powerfulbecause it is full of machines, includesWasteland (powers up all machines and allowsthem to move two spaces), and the machines willnever have an attack lower than 1500.
Card Passwords
To enter a password for a card, press R3 atthe 'Build Deck' screen, and enter an eightcharacter password.Card PasswordAncient Tree Of Enlightenment EKJHQ109Aqua Dragon JXCB6FU7Barrel Dragon GTJXSBJ7Beast King Of The Swamp QXNTQPAXBirdface N54T4TY5Black Hole UMJ10MQBBlast Sphere CZN5GD2XChange Of Heart SBYDQM8BCrush Card SRA7L5YRDragonseeker 81EZCH8BEarthshaker Y34PN1SVElf's Light E5G3NRADExodia's Head 37689434Fairy King Trusdale YF07QVEZFairy's Gift NVE7A3EZGoblin Fan 92886423Gravity Bind 0HNFG9WXGreenkappa YBJMCD6ZHarpy's Feather Sweep 8HJHQPNPHorn Of The Unicorn S14FGKQ1Left Arm Of Exodia A5CF6HSHMagician Of Faith GME1S3UMMeteor Dragon 86985631Mimicat 69YDQM85Mirror Wall 53297534Mystical Capture Chains N1NDJMQ3Robotic Knight S5S7NKNHRoyal Decree 8TETQHE1Seiyaryu 2H4D85J7Serpentine Princess UMQ3WZUZSlate Warrior 73153736Swordsman From A Foreign Land CZ81UVGRSwordstalker AH0PSHEBTactical warrior 054TC727
Swordstalker: Stronger Attack
An easy way to give Swordstalker a strength of3800 power attack points or more is to sacrificeall the monsters in your deck. Due toSwordstalker's special effect, it will becomestronger than those of the CPU.If you have mainly a monster deck with threeSwordstalkers, this trick will be very useful.Start by repeatedly trying to combine all ofyour monsters except for your Swordstalkers.Then, try to send out your Swordstalkers. Itwill have a power of a 6300/5900 or more. Trymaking multiple fusions with one card anddestroy the card. For example, Zombie + Warrior= Skull knight + Hard armor = Armored Zombie.You will have four cards gone instead of three.Do not forget to destroy your last card withyour own leader.
Zoa And Metalzoa
If you reincarnate Suijin, you will naturallyget good cards. However, the real payoff is thatyou can get Sanga and Kazejin. You can get themboth at the same time.
Robotic Knight: Extra Graveyard Slot Chance
Robotic Knight has a hidden ability that letsyou have an extra shot at matching three cardsin Graveyard Slots. It lets you now try to matchthree cards on the top row. You get this afteryou raise your rank to the first star with theyellow stripe.
Royal Decree: Reincarnation
If you reincarnate a Royal Decree, it will giveyou three Suijins.
Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Reincarnate magic cards such as Mega Drain (DC:75, Darknite with Chakra) or Creature Swap, andthere will be a possibility of getting a Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Since Blue-Eyes White Dragonhas a DC of about 55, try reincarnating highmagic cards.
Dark Magician: Hidden Ability
If you can raise the Dark Magician ranking toMajor (star with the stripe), you will be ableto perform the same extra slot try just as theRobot Knight.
Magic Drain: Reincarnation
If you reincarnate Magic Drain (DC: 60) you can get good cards such as:
To summon Millennium, you have to have Curse OfThe Millennium Shield and two cards with 2100DEF.
Millennium Shield: Strong Attack
You first need to have the Curse of theMillennium Ritual and three monsters over 2000DEF. When you summon the Millennium Shield, makesure you have a Shield And Sword Magic card sothat you can switch out the shield's defense toits attack, giving it a 4000 ATK.
Mirror Wall
Mirror Wall (DC: 80) is a powerful card. Use itagainst a Blue Eyes. If any card (in this caseBlue Eyes) attacks any of your cards, its attackis cut in half, making a Blue Eyes ATK 1500. Ifthe card attacks again, it will be halved again,(Blue Eyes ATK 750). Blue Eyes can now be killedby the weakest monsters in the game.
Red-Eyes Black Dragon
To get the Red-Eyes Black Dragon, have Joeysummon it. Defeat the Red-Eyes Black Dragon andget it in the Graveyard Slots.
Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon
Have Joey summon it by combining his Metalmorphand his Red-Eyes Black Dragon. Defeat it, butyou need to get the Red-Eyes Black Dragon andthe Metalmorph in the slots.
Zoa And Metalzoa
Face J. Shadi in a match and destroy his Zoacard. Do not use Monster Reborn on Zoa. Just getZoa in the Graveyard Slots then face Joey.Defeat him and make sure you destroy aMetalmorph. Win Metalmorph in the slots andcombine it with Zoa to get Metalzoa (3000/2400).
Hidden Card
In most maps, there is a hidden card somewhereon the map. In order to get these cards you mustmove your Deck Leader over a specific locationon the map. You may have to complete the game asboth sides for these cards to appear. Forexample, in all the battles at Stone Henge, moveyour Deck Leader to the center of the map, inbetween all the labyrinth terrain. There shouldbe a different card there against each opponent.To be able to find and get the hidden cards onthe field during a duel, your deck leader mustbe ranked as a Major (one star and one yellowline) or better. You must also have a deck costthat is lower than 1000.
Hidden Card Locations
To find the cards, your deck leader has to havethe ability to find cards (Hidden Ability) andyou need to have completed both sides of thestory.Many of the monsters are Immortal Type (strongin crush territory) and very powerful in termsof their effects (Souleater is great). Most ofthe magic cards are those that destroy allmonsters of a specific type (usually the typeprimarily used by the opponent you get the cardagainst, for example, Cold Wave, obtainedagainst Rex Raptor, kills all dinosaur typemonsters).
Barrel Dragon: Reincarnation
If you reincarnate Barrel Dragon, you will getthree tough creatures or nice magics (forexample, Sagna Of Thunder, Kazejin, Suijin,KaiserDragon, Harpies Pet Dragon, Skull Knight,Ryu-Ran, Coldwave, Solomans Lawbook, andTremendous Fire).
Ritual Monsters
When using the Graveyard Slot machine afterbattle, get three cards that are required to geta ritual monster. If you do, you will get thatritual monster as well as the three cards. Forexample, win against Bones at Exeter and in theGraveyard Slots, get any Insect, Machine, andZombie monster. Note: The cards only appear inthe slots if they are used in battle; duelagainst opponents that have ritual cards.
Map Edit Mode
Successfully complete both the White Rose storyand Red Rose story to unlock map edit mode incustom battle.
Duel Deck Master T
Successfully complete both the Red Rose andWhite Rose campaigns and have a PlayStation Onememory card with Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memoriessaved game data in slot 2. Go to 'Custom Duel',and instead of dueling Deck Master K, you willduel Deck Master T. Deck Master T's leader isExodia The Forbidden One, and his deck onlyconsists of magic/trap cards and the other fourpieces of Exodia.
Duel Master S
Copy the saved game from Yu-Gi-Oh! ForbiddenMemories over to a PlayStation2 memory card.Insert it in slot 2. When you are in Custom Duelmode, it will show Duel Master S with a Goddessof Whim Deck leader.
This trick requires only one memory card in thememory card slot. Go into the custom duel andset your deck up so that your best cards are inthere. Both you and the CPU's decks will havethe same cards in them. When you win, the slotmachine will be there and you can get your bestcards repeatedly. This is very useful with RedEyes, Blue Eyes and other cards that your haveonly one copy of.Use the following trick to duplicate cards andpromote weak monsters. A second memory is notrequired. Go to vs. duel and Duel Master K. Makethe card you want to duplicate your leader, playthe Duel Master in the default crush field.Note: Make sure you have some monsters under1500 ATK. Do not use any field cards. Instead,Duel Master K will at the most send out one ortwo monsters. Destroy these and defeat him inbattle. Because he has the exact same deck asyou, he will have the same deck leader. In theslots, the deck leader will be there. Get themonster you want in the slots. The battle iseasy. The longer the battle the better, as thishelps promote weak monsters.
New Card Picture
Any time that you gain a card through lining upthree of a kind in the Graveyard Slots, you willget a new picture for that card in your chest.Some examples include: Blue Eyes White Dragon,Red Eyes Black Dragon, Summoned Skull, GeminiElf, and Flame Swordsman.
Getting Good Or Rare Cards
Use the following trick to multiply your goodcards, get rare cards, and practice theGraveyards Slots. After clearing the game,the 'Edit' option appears in a custom duel. Youcan edit the terrain to make all of thesummoning spaces around your opponent labyrinth.Once the duel starts, pass your turn and youropponent will be forced to forfeit. You willthen be able to play the slots with only yourdeck leader (against Deck Master K) in with nineFake Traps.
Graveyard Slot Machine Yugioh Duel
Improved Odds In Graveyard Slots
Copy Cat, Mimicat, and Monster Reborn allow youto manipulate the content of your opponent'sGraveyard and help narrow down it down for theGraveyard Slots (revived cards go to thereviver's Graveyard when destroyed). ParalyzingPotion is another effective way to get monstersout of the way without sending them to theGraveyard, thus improving your odds in theGraveyard Slots.This trick can only be used when there is onlyone monster in the Graveyard possible ofgetting, as when you use the 'Edit Map' trick.When using the slot machine, you can see thearrows on the side. As you can see, they areusually blinking. When they disappear, the cardis on the other side of the slot. You can usethis to your advantage.Place the needed card in your deck and destroyit in a custom battle (for example, KomoriDragon for the Blue-Eyes White Dragon or DarkMagician for the Dark Magician Girl). It may behelpful to place more than one card in the deckfor higher chances of getting the desired card.
Slot Rares
When using the Graveyard Slot Machine after youwin a duel, get three cards in a line and get aslot rare. For example, get three Pumpkings toget a Toon Summoned Skull.Card Slot result RequirementAnti-Magic Fragrance 3 Typhone Defeat MaiBarrel Dragon 3 Ooguchi Defeat MakoBlack Luster 3 Curse Of DragonBlue-Eyes White Dragon 3 Koumori DragonBlue-Eyes White Dragon 3 Red EyesBlue-Eyes White Dragon 3 Monster Egg DefeatTristanBlue-Eyes White Dragon 3 Dark Fire DragonsDefeat Mai ValentineBlue-Eyes White Dragon 3 Kabanola WarriorDefeat TristanBlue-Eyes White Dragon 3 Rude Kaiser JoinKiba's side and kill Tristan's Rude KaiserBlue-Eyes White Dragon 3 Tenderness Defeat TeaBlue-Eyes White Dragon 3 Ground AttackerBugrothBlue-Eyes White Dragon 3 Robotic KnightsBlue-Eyes White Dragon 3 Suijin Destroy Suijinafter the Labyrinth ruler summons itBlue-Eyes White Dragon (ATK 1750) 3 LionMonster Defeat Tristan and kill his LionMonsterBrain Control 3 Illusionist Faceless MageDefeat PegasusDark Magician 3 Gust Fan Wait until Mai uses theGust Fan power-up and defeat herDark Magician 3 Gate Guardian Ritual HaveLabyrinth Ruler summon the ritual to the field(does not have to be activated).Dark Magician Girl 3 Dark Magician Battle Yugiand kill his Dark MagicianDissolverock 3 Machine KingFire Reaper 3 Vile Germ Defeat BakuraFire Reaper 3 White Holes Defeat Jasper DiceTudorFlame Ghost 3 Mystical Elf Defeat Yugi anddestroy his Mystical ElfFlame Swordsman 3 Legendary SwordFlame Swordsman 3 Madjinn Gunn Defeat TristanFlame Swordsman 3 Kattarpiller Have LabyrinthRuler summon itGorgon's Eye 3 The Ordek Defeat TristanHarpies Pet 3 Harpie Lady Have Mai summonDragon Harpie Lady and the DragonLabyrinth Tank (2400/2400) 3 Blackland FireDragon Defeat YugiLord Of D. 3 Ultimate Dragon RitualRed-Eyes Black Dragon 3 Dancing Elf Defeat TeaRed-Eyes Black Dragon 3 King of YamimakaiDefeat Darkness RulerRed-Eyes Black Dragon 3 Versago The DestroyerDefeat TristanRed-Eyes Black Dragon 3 Sword Of DarkDestructionRight Leg Of Exodia 3 Insect Cannon DefeatWeevilSkull Knight 3 Pragtical Defeat Rex RaptorSkull Knight 3 Feral Imp Defeat YugiSkull Knight 3 Celtic GuardianSkull Knight 3 Spirit Of The Harp Defeat TeaSummoned Skull 3 Dark Prisoner Defeat TristanSummoned Skull 3 Larva Moth Defeat WeevilSummoned Skull 3 Fairy Meteor Crush DefeatTristanSummoned Skull 3 High Tide Gyojin Defeat MakoSword of Dragon's Soul 3 Two-Mouth DarkrulerDefeat TristanTemple Of Skulls 3 Dancing Fairy Defeat TeaTemple Of Skulls 3 Koumori DragonsToon Summoned Skull 3 Fiend Hand Defeat TristanToon Summoned Skull 3 Pumpking The King OfGhost Defeat NecromancerToon Summoned Skull 3 Manga Ryu Ran DefeatPegasusToon Summoned Skull 3 Tenderness Defeat TeaToon Summoned Skull 3 Red-Eyes Black Dragon
Graveyard Slot Machine Yugioh Game
Move Two Squares At A Time
When a monster gets a Terrain Field boost, flipit face up and it is allowed to move two squaresat a time.
Defeating Pegasus
Have Ancient Tree Of Enlightenment in face updefense position. His effect allows no Trapcards to be activated when in this position. UseAqua Dragon powered up with Horn Of Light. Movehim into the Toonland terrain and keep advancingto Pegasus' deck leader. When your opponentattacks (or when you attack), Aqua Dragon'seffect will be activated. The square occupied byAqua Dragon will be turned into sea. This boostsAqua Dragon's attack by 1000 points (up by 500for not being in Toon, which decreases itsattack and another 500 for terrain bonus). Hisattack will be 3250, which should be enough todefeat anything. You can also use the water as apath for Suijin or other water monsters. Pegasushas no Rose card to give you.
Crush Territory
When you play in the crush territory, you canonly play monsters with an attack power of 1500 -- be careful.
Raise Your Monster's Rank Easily
Graveyard Slot Machine Yugioh Dueling
Depending on which monster you have, you shouldgo against certain opponents. If the monster youwant to raise in rank has an attack power of2000 to 2500, play against Tristan. If it islower then that, then play against Tea. If it ishigher, go against Joey. First, have as many ofthat monster in your deck, then kill everymonster with that card. Do not add power-ups orattack the opponent's LP with magic cards. Youcan then have more time killing the othermonsters. Remember to kill the opponent's deckleader personally with the card you want toraise in rank. This will usually give you a bigboost for raising your rank.
Level Up Your Deck Leaders
Note: This trick requires the Map Edit optionand a controller with a auto-fire or slowfeature. First, build Labyrinth around youropponent, except for one space. Put the monstersthat you want to level up on the field. Makesure you use Ookazi or Tremendous Fire, etc. Setthe controller on auto-fire or slow for Start.When the battle is over, you will have more DeckLeaders.
Easy Win
Use the passwords to get Crush Card (SRA7L5YR),Mimicat (69YDQM85), Magician Of Faith(GME1S3UM), and Royal Decree (8TETQHE1).Reincarnate Crush Card to get Just Desserts.Keep combining the cards that not listed in thistip until you get the ones needed. Do not useJust Desserts until your opponent has five cardson the field and you have Royal Decree on thefield. Use Just Desserts and inflict 1500 pointsof direct damage. The total damage will be 4500,which is more than enough. This strategy iseffective against Grandpa if you want an Exodiadeck.
Reincarnate Card
If you surrender five times, you will be able toreincarnate a card in your chest which willallow you to build your deck.Note: Getting five wins also lets youreincarnate a card.Press L3 to reincarnate.
Reincarnate More Than Three Cards From One
When you get to the point of reincarnatingcards, copy your game to a second memory card.Continue on the copied game and reincarnate acard. Save your game and exit. Place both thecopied save game and the original saved game inthe PlayStation2 and trade the reincarnatedcards from the copy to the original. You nowhave three new cards, and still can reincarnatea card.
Repeatedly Reincarnate
To do this trick, you must have activate thereincarnate option after you have played withthe CPU five or more times. Save your gamebefore going to reincarnate. Reincarnate anydesired card, and if you did not like it, go tothe main menu without saving your previousreincarnation. Then, go to 'Continue' to try itagain. Repeat this processes as many times asneeded until you get the desired cards.
Defeating Fab Lyrr
Use Royal Decree, Mirror Wall, and some goodmonsters cards in your deck.Make sure you have a Green Kappa monster in yourdeck (or more if possible). Fab Lyrr will mostlikely start off by playing Riroku (power-upthat uses half of your LP to power up hismonster) and a Skull Knight or something similarwith over 2000 ATK. Once that monster is on thefield, go into the crush territory with yourleader, play the Green Kappa face down until youare in striking range of his leader, and attack.The Green Kappa's effect will increase hisattack to over 4000 and destroy his leader inone shot.
Defeating Jasper Dice Tutor
First, defeat the Labyrinth Ruler until you geta Shadow Ghoul or two, Then, go to the Tutor anduse the Shadow Ghoul. Enter the labyrinth areasto turn it into a Wall Shadow, then use RebornThe Monster or Mimicat (Magician Of Faith to getback magic cards) to go and dig out Shadow Ghoulagain and make another Wall Shadow. Do this asmany times as needed(at least twice recommended,but three is best). Then, use the Shield AndSword card to switch the Shadow Ghouls attackand defense and give it 3,000 attack points.Also, use the Ancient Tree Of Enlightenment or aRoyal Decree to keep traps from getting the WallShadows. The Ancient Tree Of Enlightenment isbetter, because you can turn it off by switchingto attack mode after you move (turn it back onat the beginning of your next turn before youmove) in case you have trap cards such as ShadowOf Eyes, Mirror Wall, or Goblin Fan out. Thefollowing are the card numbers that arerecommended: 043, 123, 152, 655, 685, 687, (699,824), 705, 736, 754, 814, 829.
Lower Opponent's Monsters Attack Quickly
Move Mirror Wall either to the far bottom leftsquare or far bottom right square. Put yourleader next to it. Start securing your leaderand Mirror Wall with monsters. Start advancingweak trap or magic cards (for example, FakeTrap, Forest). Mirror Wall will activate andyour opponent's monsters will be too weak tobattle. You will still get the monsters in theGraveyard, since your opponent attacks allfacedown cards.
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Graveyard Slot Machine Yugioh 5ds
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Created by: Shin Gokou EX.Read the full guide...